Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Peter Mandl is experienced in a wide range and empowered to handle your concerns optimally and efficiently:
- Chartered engineer for Telematics (collective term for information technology, electrical and telecommunications engineering)
- Court recognized and certified expert on information technology, communications technology, metrology and work and Industry
- Expert at the International Criminal Court (ICC Den Haag)
- Safety engineer
- Expert for property valuation
- Distinguished Lecturer at the University of Technology Graz
General information on the power of chartered consulting engineers:
Chartered consulting engineers are self-employed consultants, experts and planners in the field of completed studies. Prerequisites for the granting of a license as a civil engineer are the completion of a degree course, a three-year practice, and the passing of the chartered consulting engineer examination, a state vocational exam.
Chartered consulting engineers are, under the Civil Engineers Act, entitled to perform all planning, auditing, monitoring, advisory, coordinating, mediative and fiduciary duties, in particular to perform measurements and to issue expert opinions. In addition, they are professional party representatives and are responsible for the organizational and commercial management of projects and the assumption of overall planning assignments, provided that important parts of the work belong to the field of expertise.
Chartered consulting engineers as party representatives:
Chartered consulting engineers are entitled to the professional representation of a party, they may in the context of their field of expertise in front of authorities including the administrative courts and public corporations appear as party representatives (VwGH of 23.01.2018, Ra 2017/05/0090).
Chartered consulting engineers as public notary:
Chartered consulting engineers are entitled to “public faith” persons (public records) and are therefore entitled to establish public documents as part of their mission. Public documents substantiate the full proof of what is recorded in it by the documentary person, ie the civil engineer (§ 47 General Administrative Procedures Act, § 292 Zivilprozessordnung) and therefore must proceed from the correctness of their content. In addition, documents that appear as public documents in form and content also have the presumption of authenticity (§ 310 of the Code of Civil Procedure). They can therefore be considered by the administrative authorities in the same way as if they had been issued by the authorities
Seal of chartered consulting engineers:
As an outward sign of state approval and insult, chartered consulting engineers carry a seal that reflects the coat of arms of the Republic of Austria and is to be affixed to all civil documents created by chartered consulting engineers.